Thursday, August 20, 2009

Wow - It's been four months!

Sorry that it has taken me so long to write something. It has been a crazy few months and work has really gotten the best of me. I also started online school to complete my Bachelor's Degree in Human Resources as well. So if I not working then I'm studying. Nothing new to report. Summer in New York has been quite pleasant until now. It's been so hot and humid the last week you don't even want to go outside.

RHWOA - Have you watched? I have and they really don't excite me. I miss my NYC ladies the most. But I am also excited that the OC are currently filming so that means they are next up. WOOHOOO I need some reality fixins'.

Hope all is well in your world!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Babies, Babies everywhere!

This week has been crazy and it's only Wednesday! My cousin and my friend both went into labor this week, one yesterday and one this morning. Both also had beautiful baby girls!!! Isabella and Karly! I wish someone would sprinkle me with some baby dust! I always was under the impression that getting pregnant was an easy 1 2 3 type of thing. Yeah maybe for some people but not me!! Oh well, it will happen when it decides to happen, even though it frustrates me to wait. I did not watch housewives last night fell asleep at about the 15 minute mark, so dissappointed!!! I will watch it at some point this weekend and let you know what I think.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Love the weather!

It's beautiful in New York today! These days I wish I didn't have to work. But here I sit in my office behind a desk wishing I was outside. It looks depressing when I read it....LOL ...But this weekend is suppose to be as pretty as today. WooHoo! I have exactley 91 days until I go on vacation to Cape Cod!! I love the countdown, I usually start it at about 150 days this way I have something to look forward to everyday when I get into the office, when I look down and I'm a day closer to vacation it makes me smile!
I have been going to Cape Cod with my husband and our friends for 7 years now. We rent a house with the beach as our backyard! For a week I live like a princess and I couldn't be happier.
Have a great weekend everyone!! Talk to you on Monday!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Housewives Recap

Housewives was OK, that's right I said it just ok, fast recap would be:

  1. Still don't like Kelly and the fact that they were focusing on her annoying Hello's Hey's and Hiiiiii's, made my skin crawl. Also why is everyone swooning over Max? I really don't see what makes him so HOT....

  2. Bethany is still fabulous, loved how she didn't back down to Romona at all, she is not struggling and Jill does not pitty her. Felt bad that I didn't go see her in A&P in Greenwich, CT I would have ate some cupcakes.

  3. Alex and Simon, the whole freak out about her surprise so not a big deal, felt bad for the driver that he was screaming at.

  4. Jill, she can sell and does know what she is doing, but I highly doubt that if I go into Zarin Fabrics on just any ordinary day that she will be there.

  5. The Countess, she has nothing interesting going on so she is just blah

My overall thinking about this weeks show was to much promotion of their jewelery, books and skin care lines. Everyone was promoting something and it kind of took over the show. Next weeks look good so I am holding out for that.

PLUS: Watch Bravo's A List Awards tonight at 10:00p - Housewives of NYC and OC will be there!

Earth Month

This morning driving into work I was listening to Z100 and they said that it was Earth Month. I knew we had an Earth Day but never an Earth Month. It made me think what I should do for Earth Month. I already recycle everyday at work and I googled (of course) and I found this great website that gives you for Earth Month Projects and it only takes minutes plus it saves you some money as well. They had some great ideas and it doesn't take much time at all to help the Earth, so lets think green!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Monday morning thoughts

Good Morning, I was reminded that I hate Monday's! Driving into to work this morning I was wishing that I chose a different profession maybe a Teacher, then I would only have a few more weeks left of working followed by a long vacation! A month off would be nice, just to relax......OK enough about dreams that will never come true....

I'm trying to get Broadway tickets to see God of Carnage, I've been hearing great reviews on it. But of course I've been procrastinating on getting the tickets and now I think I am to late. I did however score tickets to go see Dane Cook at Mohegan Sun in two weeks! He should be hysterical.

Well off to do some work today......

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Easter


I was looking at handbags today and came across this amazing bag from Michael Kors. The color is so bright and a great punch. I held myself back from ordering one, but just wanted to share it with everyone.

Friday, April 10, 2009


Happy Friday to All! I was having a great morning. Had my coffee and my raisin brain cereal with fat free milk of course! In meetings until 11:00, they were research meetings about our HRIS system so nothing that needed to much brain power in the early AM. Did I mention it's also payday!!! Ring the Alarm!!!!! WOOHOOO What I look forward to every two weeks while busting my butt is payday. Yesterday I logged in my online bill pay and paid all bills that were due, it made me feel great!

I logged into my bank account this morning to look at the number that had been deposited into my account wishing I could use it all to go shopping with my bestie*, but to my utter shock there was no deposit!!!! WHAT!! No deposit! As my heart started beating quicker and my legs started to get weak, where the hell is money?

Called the Payroll Queen.....

ME: Um Hi - I don't see that I got paid this week....

PQ - Well maybe your bank is closed that's why...

ME: No, don't think so can you check this in our system to see if everything went through....(As my hands want to go through the phone and rip her through it)

PQ OK, hold on

Me: Holding which felt to me like um about 2 minutes

PQ: Laughing - You didn't get paid I will have to run a Manuel check for you....hehehe Sorry

ME: Great can I please have it ASAP so I can deposit it......Oh yeah and why did this happen??

PQ - Don't know will have to check.

ME: Ok - As I hung up the phone my hands stop shaking and frustration started to kick is this funny to her??

Ok so now lets fast forward about thirty minutes since all I was doing was cursing and screaming and throwing what I would consider an "Adult" tantrum. She comes walking down the hallway with check in hand into my office PQ "Sorry I terminated you in the system by accident and it canceled your auto pay"...........My reaction - Fake "Haha Ok" - grabbing check - "thanks"

Ok everyone makes mistakes I get it...but not with MY paycheck!!!

Heart rate is not back to normal - I have to go deposit this check now before the bank closes - have a great weekend and a Happy Easter to all!!

* My Bestie is the definition of amazing. Not only does she deal with me but she also has a heart of gold. I thank my lucky stars that she is in my life......

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Dunkin Donuts!

I heart DD! Today is a beautiful day in New York and sometimes you can go stir crazy in the office especially when you don't take lunch. A helpful idea would be to go on a DD run. This way your able to get out for a bit but you come back and can enjoy an Iced Coffee for the afternoon! Decaf or Regular doesn't matter!!


Bag, Borrow or Steal

So I have heard of Bag, Borrow or Steal many times, I've even browsed through some of their bags occasionally. But what really sparked my interest in it again was that I watched the Sex and the City movie last night and Carrie's assistant had a new bag every week from bag, borrow or steal. What you do is pick the bag you want and then you rent it for however long you want. It could get pricey but if you need a bag for a vacation, wedding or just a night on the town it is a pretty cool idea. You can also rent jewlery as well as sunglasses.

I will be going to Cape Cod, MA for a week in July and I really wanted to get a white handbag for the trip. I have been drooling over this white Gucci bag for the past six months, knowing I cannot afford a $500 bag I decided that I would check the site and to my shock they had it!! Woohoo! Now I will be able to rent the bag for at week for a mear $32!! The catch to the site is that there is a membership fee, $10 for a month, $20 for three months or $60 for a year.

Old Navy Flip Flops

As you already know ON has the best Flip Flops out. Who can resist a new pair each year right before summer starts when they are 2 for $5. They came out with new bright colors for this year which are sure to add a punch of color to any outfit. I went out this weekend and purchased the green and purple. WooHoo, can't wait for summer to come!
Happy Shopping!

Housewives Update

Tennis Match is all I have to say! LOL Bethanny is hysterical to even think of having Jill play with Simon. I still can't stomach Kelly. Next weeks looks good but why does everyone insist on picking on Bethanny.

I did happen to watch the half hour intro to Housewives of NJ. I was surprised to see Dina who I remember seeing on a show on MTV I think or it may have been Platinum Weddings. Either way I remember when she married her husband they followed her through out the entire planning process and through the day of her wedding. At first I thought I can't watch another one - I already love NYC and OC. But I have to admit I love the fact they you have sisters and a sister in law. That makes for some great TV and drama. Come on you know what happens in your family behind closed doors. Imagine if it was recorded, many of us would be able to have a reality show of our own.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Good Morning,

So Housewives of NYC is on tonight! Last week was a lot of arguing, but very entertaining. I can't wait to see what tonight will bring. I have to admit that Betthany is my favorite housewife. I love that she doesn't hold anything back, if you want the truth ask her. Jill would come in second, she is hysterical. I have no patients for Kelly, she has nothing to offer and I don't like what she did to Betthany in last weeks episode. I mean you are sitting there telling her you are above her and have all this class yet you are the one acting like a child. She made herself look like an idiot. But hey if they wanted to add a little drama to the show then I guess they achieved that with adding Kelly.

Happy Blogging - Talk to you tomorrow

Monday, April 6, 2009


Hi World,

Welcome to my first blog! Wow I feel like I've finally broke out into the Internet world. OK so you probably want to know a little about me. I'm 28 (will be 29 this year) I often think wow I'm in my late twenties, where did the last ten years go! I work full time as a Corporate HR Manager, yes I am the one that you probably don't make eye contact with, in an effort to never have to be called into my office. I love my job and have been at the same company for the last five years. I am married to my best friend and someone that I have been with over 11 years. I'm very down to earth and love talking to people, I especially love helping people through new experiences and tough situations.

Why blog you ask? I like to talk and I hope to entertain the readers of this blog on a weekly basis.

My first admission: I'm a reality show junkie! Real Housewives, Millionaire Matchmaker, Tough Love, Rock Of Love, among others. I have a tendency to watch the same episode over and over. I don't know why but I love it. Marathon's on a Saturday or Sunday are my all time favorite! My husband doesn't know what to say - His only request is we cannot watch Jon and Kate Plus Eight. He has an issue with choosing to watch someone else's screaming children. I on the other hand would watch that everyday to see how someone deals with that many children on a daily basis. It intrigues me.

Well off to the corporate world! Talk to you soon!