Monday, April 6, 2009


Hi World,

Welcome to my first blog! Wow I feel like I've finally broke out into the Internet world. OK so you probably want to know a little about me. I'm 28 (will be 29 this year) I often think wow I'm in my late twenties, where did the last ten years go! I work full time as a Corporate HR Manager, yes I am the one that you probably don't make eye contact with, in an effort to never have to be called into my office. I love my job and have been at the same company for the last five years. I am married to my best friend and someone that I have been with over 11 years. I'm very down to earth and love talking to people, I especially love helping people through new experiences and tough situations.

Why blog you ask? I like to talk and I hope to entertain the readers of this blog on a weekly basis.

My first admission: I'm a reality show junkie! Real Housewives, Millionaire Matchmaker, Tough Love, Rock Of Love, among others. I have a tendency to watch the same episode over and over. I don't know why but I love it. Marathon's on a Saturday or Sunday are my all time favorite! My husband doesn't know what to say - His only request is we cannot watch Jon and Kate Plus Eight. He has an issue with choosing to watch someone else's screaming children. I on the other hand would watch that everyday to see how someone deals with that many children on a daily basis. It intrigues me.

Well off to the corporate world! Talk to you soon!